domingo, 3 de enero de 2010


Still making tests to get this blogging thing really tight.

Ill begin this spanking new year with a piece of movie news that I'm happy to report.

Avatar hits the $1 billion mark and enters the box office pantheon among The Return of the King and its sibling Titanic, breaking several records along the way. Its still a gap to beat the other Cameron hit, but the momentum it has right now predicts it will be right below the crown in about a week.
   Ive been thinking about a review of Avatar and ill probably post it in the coming days. In the meantime, here is the rest of the top.
  1. Titanic $1,842,879,955
  2. Lord of the Rings III – The Return of the King $1,119,110,941
  3. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest $1,066,179,725
  4. Avatar $1,018,811,000
  5. Batman – The Dark Knight $1,001,921,825

lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2009

Testing my first entry on my first blog ever

This is just a test of the emergency bloggcast system.